As you can see, my blog has become less cluttered. I created a new blog for all my cancer information. So, if you're interested in learning about how I beat cancer with vitamin B17, just click on the tab above!
Now this blog can get back to B@@KS!
OH! And if you'd like to become a "follower" on my B17 blog, that would make me very happy! :-)
Monday, December 3, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
As you ALL know, I'm B17 obsessed. It's kind of hard not to be, since it was this that saved my life. Does that mean I don't give credit to my Lord and Savior? By all means, NO! After all, B17 is a concentrated form of GOD'S apricot seeds! HE is my Great Physician. HE is the one who SAVED MY LIFE through HIS MEDICINE. I have no doubt this healing has come because of the thousands of prayers that went up on my behalf. Absolutely, NONE. God is the one to be glorified in all of this, not B17 (an inanimate object). It's important that all of you know this because I don't think I've been making this clear. And I'm truly sorry for that. My God deserves to by GLORIFIED. He's the one who brought me through this, who carried me, and has met me on the other side.
My obsession of B17 comes, not because it's my "god," but because I want others to experience the same healing I have! Hence, why I'm desperate to get the word out to as many people as I can. There's too little information out there about this. GOD has provided a means for us to be healed! Therefore, I'm sharing the news.
Personally, I have more faith in God's healing through the amazing foods He has created than I do in the man-made, synthetic drugs money has to offer. Hence, another reason I'm B17 obsessed. God is my healer, and he's also BIGGER than Big Pharma and the FDA, and ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD PUT TOGETHER! He will protect me as I stand up for Him and HIS medicine.
No, I don't deny that I'm obsessed. But I'm also OBSESSED about my God, and THIS HEALING has come FROM HIM! Hence, another reason for my excitement!
Please keep in mind, it's just been over a month that I discovered (after a TWO YEAR HEART-WRENCHING BATTLE) that my fight is FINALLY OVER! That I am finally FREE of cancer! I have GOD to THANK FOR IT! Believe me, I'm thanking Him! Perhaps I haven't voiced this enough, and deep down, I feared I might not have been sharing my appreciation for my Father enough, and my deep gratitude for the amazing miracle He has given me. Please forgive me my brothers and sisters if you missed that. I believe God should be glorified because of this!
Now back to being obsessed. I'm asking for your patience because some have said I'm gonna lose my friends over being so B17 happy, and others have said I shouldn't forget my family in all this, and others have said they feared B17 was becoming my golden calf. Please know, my motivation is not to glorify this vitamin. It is simply to HELP OTHERS FIND HEALING, which I believe God WANTS me to do. I believe it would be a sin if I didn't share. How in the world could I keep this to myself?! How can anyone keep such a HUGE discovery to themselves? Honestly, I think God allowed this to happen to me because He knew I wouldn't keep quiet about it! And as for my family, they're as obsessed as I am, so we're ALL spreading the wonderful news! But also know, I will eventually calm down, relax and talk about other things in my life---eventually. Just give me time.
So with that in mind, know I love you all for helping to "keep me in line," and know I do give God the glory for my healing and believe HE is the ONE WHO HEALED ME (after all, who invented apricot seeds, and have I not mentioned more than once Genesis 1:29?), and know I will eventually move back into normalcy.
I won't stop spreading the word as long as it can help someone else and as long as I have a mouth. In the future, I might not be quite so fanatic about it, but that doesn't mean I'll not tell others about it when they ask. Just give me time to get this immense excitement out of my system. K?
Thank you for your love and understanding. I LOVE YOU ALL! xxx
My obsession of B17 comes, not because it's my "god," but because I want others to experience the same healing I have! Hence, why I'm desperate to get the word out to as many people as I can. There's too little information out there about this. GOD has provided a means for us to be healed! Therefore, I'm sharing the news.
Personally, I have more faith in God's healing through the amazing foods He has created than I do in the man-made, synthetic drugs money has to offer. Hence, another reason I'm B17 obsessed. God is my healer, and he's also BIGGER than Big Pharma and the FDA, and ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD PUT TOGETHER! He will protect me as I stand up for Him and HIS medicine.
No, I don't deny that I'm obsessed. But I'm also OBSESSED about my God, and THIS HEALING has come FROM HIM! Hence, another reason for my excitement!
Please keep in mind, it's just been over a month that I discovered (after a TWO YEAR HEART-WRENCHING BATTLE) that my fight is FINALLY OVER! That I am finally FREE of cancer! I have GOD to THANK FOR IT! Believe me, I'm thanking Him! Perhaps I haven't voiced this enough, and deep down, I feared I might not have been sharing my appreciation for my Father enough, and my deep gratitude for the amazing miracle He has given me. Please forgive me my brothers and sisters if you missed that. I believe God should be glorified because of this!
Now back to being obsessed. I'm asking for your patience because some have said I'm gonna lose my friends over being so B17 happy, and others have said I shouldn't forget my family in all this, and others have said they feared B17 was becoming my golden calf. Please know, my motivation is not to glorify this vitamin. It is simply to HELP OTHERS FIND HEALING, which I believe God WANTS me to do. I believe it would be a sin if I didn't share. How in the world could I keep this to myself?! How can anyone keep such a HUGE discovery to themselves? Honestly, I think God allowed this to happen to me because He knew I wouldn't keep quiet about it! And as for my family, they're as obsessed as I am, so we're ALL spreading the wonderful news! But also know, I will eventually calm down, relax and talk about other things in my life---eventually. Just give me time.
So with that in mind, know I love you all for helping to "keep me in line," and know I do give God the glory for my healing and believe HE is the ONE WHO HEALED ME (after all, who invented apricot seeds, and have I not mentioned more than once Genesis 1:29?), and know I will eventually move back into normalcy.
I won't stop spreading the word as long as it can help someone else and as long as I have a mouth. In the future, I might not be quite so fanatic about it, but that doesn't mean I'll not tell others about it when they ask. Just give me time to get this immense excitement out of my system. K?
Thank you for your love and understanding. I LOVE YOU ALL! xxx
Friday, November 30, 2012
I'm so excited! I came across these testimonials for B17. I added them to my tab above, but you can read them here too! Yay!
The following are testimonies taken from M.D.
John A. Richardson’s book “Laetrile Case Histories: The Richardson Cancer
Clinic Experience.” You can buy it on Amazon if you want it. You can also get
an entire package for less from
Dr. Richardson’s clinic, who treated these
patients with Laetrile, was shut down by the FDA.
Man : patient "M136TB"
Age when cancer was detected : 17
Year of diagnose : 1975
Statistical life expectancy : less than a year
Life extension : alive and well after 30 years in
After having undergone chemotherapy for five
months, without success - since another spot showed up - the parents decided to
decide into laetrile as an alternative. The patient describes his reaction to
the course of the therapy in these words : "I was treated like I was just
as normal as anyone walking on this earth - what I mean is, they didn't treat
me like I was deathly sick, but they treated me like I was going to get well.
Name : John Peterson
Age when cancer was detected : 61
Year of diagnose : 1973
Statistical life expectancy : a year
Life extension : 13 years, died at age 74 in 1986
The patient related in a letter what the next few
weeks after diagnose were like for him : "I was in constant, unrelenting
pain, my body jerked in spasms, there was some rectal bleeding, and I became so
weak I could hardly rise from a chair and walk. At this time, I learned from
friends where I could get Laetrile treatment. My wife drove the car, the one
and one-half-hour drive to the San Francisco Bay area where I received my first
injection of Laetrile, October 25, 1973. I was too weak to drive, in fact I
passed out in the car both going and returning from these first daily
treatments. Improvement was apparent within the days and in about thirty days I
was driving the car myself. I was again looking forward to each new sunrise
with anticipation of some pleasure in being alive."
Woman : patient "M110MX"
Age when cancer was detected : 50
Year of diagnose : 1974
Life extension : 19 years; died at age 70 in 1993
Laetrile treatment prevented the removal of the
left breast, as suggested by her original physician.
Woman : patient "H132I"
Age when cancer was detected : 59
Year of diagnose : 1973
Life extension : 27 years; died at age 86 in 2000
Name : Lorraine Ford
Age when cancer was detected : 60
Year of diagnose : 1974
Statistical life expectancy : 6 months
Life extension : 5 years; died at age 65 in 1979
Tried first chemotherapy, to no avail.
Name : Lorette Lau
Age when cancer was detected : 61
Year of diagnose : 1975
Statistical life expectancy : a year
Life extension : 22 years; died at age 83 in 1997
Woman : patient "A156JC"
Year of diagnose : 1973
Metabolic treatment started : 1974
Life extension : alive and well after 31 years in
The patient first drank an "atomic
cocktail", which produced a slow recovery, but after six months her health
went downhill : "I lost about thirty pounds. I had dark yellow skin and
dark around my eyes. I was constantly tired. I slept a great deal and felt
sleepy the rest of the time. It was around this time I first heard of Laetrile.
I felt the treatments I had been receiving were ineffective, and so I chose to
come to the Richardson Clinic. Dr. Richardson did not make any promises to me,
but within ten days of beginning nutritional therapy and Laetrile, I noticed
considerable improvement. My eyes and skin returned to their normal color. I
stopped losing weight, the terrible tired feeling left, as did the pain...
Friends and relatives who have watched my progress are amazed at how well I
look... We've had a number of cases of cancer in my family on both sides. I am
the only one who has taken Laetrile and I am the only one who has survived.
Name : Thelma Mosca
Age when cancer was detected : 55
Year of diagnose : 1975
Statistical life expectancy : 3 months
Life extension : alive 2 years later; not
traceable in 2005
After discovery of cancer in the Kaiser Hospital
in Oakland, California, a surgery was planned. Mrs. Mosca decided to cancel it,
since her mother died after surgery and radiation, and told her she would never
do it again. After watching the Tom Snyder TV show she learned to know about
Laetrile, and contacted the Richardson Clinic. Only fourteen days after
starting metabolic therapy, pathology report from a Pap smear revealed :
"Class 1 negative. No atypical cells present [cancer no longer
In a letter to the Richardson clinic, Mrs. Mosca
wrote : "When my doctor [the one who recommended surgery] asked me if I
knew how painful death from cancer would be, I said yes I knew. My mother had
breast cancer. She was butchered and burned and died a slow and painful death.
We had to keep her arm in ice packs twenty-four hours a day because of cobalt
burns. My mother was not helped or saved. That is precisely why I rejected
surgery and radiation. "
Naam : Ben Reynolds
Age when cancer was detected : 63
Year of diagnose : 1973
Life extension : 6 years; died at age 69 in 1979
Mr. Reynolds started with chemotherapy but switched
rapidly to. This is why he chose Laetrile : "I took chemotherapy for three
days only. I had started metabolic therapy on July 23 and 24 [1973] and then
submitted [for the last time] to the chemotherapy on July 27, 1973. Mixed up ?
Yes. But, then what does one do for cancer treatment when one knows nothing to
start with ? It took only a few minutes reading the Physician's Desk Reference
on the third day I was on chemotherapy to know what I wanted to do and what I
did not want to do. This is what the book had to say about my drugs :
"Ovocen (Vincristine): Mode of action is unknown but under
investigation... Extreme care must be used in calculating the dose...
Overdosing may have a serious or fatal outcome." Cytoxan : "Its
mechanism of action is not known". Nor did I want Prednisone, about which
I read more of the same. I was not ready to die, not from cancer and certainly
not from the poisons they were going to give me, so I wouldn't die from cancer.
Name : Shane Horton
Age when cancer was detected : 6
Year of diagnose : 1973
Life expectancy : 6 to 9 months
Life extension : alive and well after 32 years in
This little boy was six years old when his
symptoms began. He was so weak he couldn't stand on his own legs and had to see
Disneyland from a wheelchair... Osteosarcoma of the right humerus [right upper
arm bone] and the third lumbar vertebra (spine) was discovered, when the kid
couldn't lift his right arm. The hospital summary of the Mercy Hospital,
Sacramento, California, in November 9, 1973, stated : "It would appear
that this unfortunate child has already distant metastases from his primary
tumor. In all likelihood he will develop evidence of metastases elsewhere in
the very near future... pulmonary metastases are so common with metastatic
osteogenic sarcoma. Unfortunately the patient is not a candidate for curative
therapy and the primary question is how best to palliate this child to maintain
him in a functional pain-free state for as long as possible. "
Instead of palliative treatment the parents of
Shane chose Laetrile.
Friday, November 23, 2012
I'm on YouTube!
Well, I finally did it! I put my story on YouTube. I was very nervous, TERRIFIED really, making this video (you can see it on my face in the beginning), but it's the best I can do for now. LOL Please pass it on to your friends, and "like" it on YouTube to attract more views!
Also, now some of you who only know me online will get to see what I look like and hear what I sound like!
Also, now some of you who only know me online will get to see what I look like and hear what I sound like!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I’ve been a bit B17 obsessed, just a bit, maybe only a kernel, really. And I’ve
fallen behind on some of my promises. So to get back to work, I would like to
introduce a new author, KATT ANDERSON, and her debut novel CALLIE'S MOUNTAIN.
My review:
Trent arrives by wagon train in the Tennessee Mountains only to be told by her
father she has to marry a man she's never met, the handsome Jacob McGinnis.
Despite his daring strength and ability to keep the settlers safe from Indians
and kidnappers, she wants nothing to do with him. After all, how can she ever
find her own true love if she's forced to marry someone she doesn't even know?
you like to read about the early settlers, survival in the wilderness and what
it was like to live in a fort, not to mention Indian fights, and an
introduction to a race of people few of us know exist, this is the book for
Katt, welcome!
When did you first realize your calling to write?
I’ve wanted to write since elementary school. I
didn’t have any idea how to go about it until I met a friend who was an author.
She showed me I could write, and helped me with the process of getting started.
What inspired you to write Callie’s Mountain?
What inspired you to write Callie’s Mountain?
The story of the Melungeon people has been dear
to me for a long time. They were so mistreated by the white people. I guess I
feel for the downtrodden people. I’d much rather write about people who are
lifted up from the depths of hurt.

Writing Callie’s Mountain has been quite a journey for you. Do you care to talk about it?
Callie’s Mountain has had a lot of starts and stops. The book has been
with me, and a part of my life, for seven years. I started writing for therapy
after my father’s death. I wrote off and on while caring for my mother. Callie
wouldn’t let me alone, and I continued to write.
There have been a lot of discouragements,
mostly from agents and publishers. We all have them if we desire to write. I
have persevered. It’s made me a better person and a better writer.
What is Callie’s Mountain about? What time period is it set in? What makes it stand out?
What is Callie’s Mountain about? What time period is it set in? What makes it stand out?
Callie’s Mountain is
set in the hills of Tennessee, around Rogersville, in 1798. It is a love and
hate story. Callie’s father tells her he has arranged a marriage for her with
Jacob McGinnis. She’s never met him, and she rebels. First on her agenda is to
teach school. Then she wants to find her “own true love.” The wagon train they
are traveling across the mountains in is attacked by three strange men, the
first introduction of the Melungeons. Jacob runs them off, but it doesn’t
impress Callie.
She becomes close to one Melungeon family, and teaches them to read and write. The store owner raised prices when he sold anything to the Melungeons. He is killed by Indians, who he also cheated, before they have a chance to approach him with their knowledge.
There are Indian attacks, Callie likes Jacob,
then doesn’t. I think there’s a lot of action.
To me the story of the Lost Race, the
Melungeons, makes it stand out. Very few books have been written about these
people, and I want them to be portrayed as the sweet, wonderful people they
What about this new publishing company Mantle Rock?
What about this new publishing company Mantle Rock?
When I was having trouble being published, my
dear friend and author, Sandi Rog, encouraged me to start my own company and
self-publish. My husband, Jerry and I decided this was the way publication was
going. It’s hard to be published in a large publishing company. It takes years
to see your book in print. Mantle Rock Publishing can publish your book for you
with no cost to you, and in months instead of years. The only thing we ask is
you have it edited before it comes to us. We want a perfect manuscript. We can
then have it printed on Kindle and in paperback. You will receive a commission
when the book is sold. We will also help you market your book by helping you
with blogs, interviews, and other ways of marketing. Of course, you have to do
a lot of the leg work. Callie’s Mountain is being printed now in paperback. If anyone has other
questions, they can contact me at kathycret at yahoo dot com.
What other releases do you have coming out?
What other releases do you have coming out?
Susannah’s Hope is
scheduled to be released in January, 2013. Susannah is a brat in Callie’s Mountain. She goes through a lot of changes in the beginning of the story. She
takes a complete 360 degree turn when her father dies and she is left to manage
the store. Dr. Val Minor befriends her. There are no Indian attacks, but a
smallpox epidemic. This book also involves mixed marriages between Melungeon
and Caucasian. It really happened in that time.
After that is Emily’s
Faith. Emily
is the daughter of Callie and Jacob McGinnis. This will involve the Trail of
Tears and be set in Hopkinsville, KY. After all, I live in Kentucky now and the
Trail of Tears is part of our area. It is also a love story between Emily and a
part Melungeon man. I think it will be a sad book to write because of all the
things that happened to the Cherokee Indians. I am enjoying the research.
In the fall, I hope to finish Gilded Winter. I may change the name to Golden Winter. Haven’t decided yet. It’s set in 1908 on Jekyll Island. It’s the end of the Gilded Era, and Jekyll was a winter haven for the rich. It’s about four employees on the island. It’s a lighter book than the Melungeon stories.
After that, I have several running around in my head. I pray God lets me live long enough to tell them.
A lot of the process of my writing is
on my blog, My website is I also write another blog for teen
girls. I invite you to stop by You may also check out Mantel Rock Publishing at
Thanks for having me on your blog.
I’ve enjoyed being here. Thank you to the readers who have taken time to read
the blog. I pray you will enjoy my humble endeavors to tell my story.
Katt, it was so interesting to learn about the Melungeons. Thank you so much for joining
us! And folks, if you want an enjoyable romantic read, get your hands on Callie’s
Mountain. And if you wish to be entered into this fabulous giveaway, leave a comment below with your email address written like so sandirog at gmail dot com. GOOD LUCK!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Got my hand slapped today
Got my hand slapped today. Hospital called and asked me gently (I recognized the nurse) to no longer pass out any of my flyers. She said I'm not allowed to come to the hospital if I don't have an appointment. AND if I come again to pass out flyers, they will have to call security. I told her I had a feeling this would happen, and I understood. I'm not allowed to pass out information that the hospital doesn't endorse.
As badly as I want to TELL THE WORLD, I'll abide by their rules. I've worked too hard to survive for my family to end up in jail.
Do I regret what I've done? Not in the least! I'm glad I did it, and I hope it saves lives. I also am not mad at this nurse. She's a wonderful nurse. She simply has to abide by hospital rules because she works there. She's also a mother and has a family to care for. I asked her if patients were upset, and she said she couldn't answer that question. Of course, I forgot about patient privacy. So, I understood. I just hope I didn't upset anyone. However, because this is a touchy subject, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if folks may have gotten upset.
I'll find other ways to get my story out, so don't think I'm finished. Lives are at stake. But I won't return to the hopital. My family comes FIRST.
As badly as I want to TELL THE WORLD, I'll abide by their rules. I've worked too hard to survive for my family to end up in jail.
Do I regret what I've done? Not in the least! I'm glad I did it, and I hope it saves lives. I also am not mad at this nurse. She's a wonderful nurse. She simply has to abide by hospital rules because she works there. She's also a mother and has a family to care for. I asked her if patients were upset, and she said she couldn't answer that question. Of course, I forgot about patient privacy. So, I understood. I just hope I didn't upset anyone. However, because this is a touchy subject, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if folks may have gotten upset.
I'll find other ways to get my story out, so don't think I'm finished. Lives are at stake. But I won't return to the hopital. My family comes FIRST.
Monday, October 29, 2012
One way I'm telling the world
So . . . today I did something I've been anxious to do for a while. I went to the Colorado University Hospital---my hospital (the one I spent the last two years at). No, I didn't have an appointment. But hey, I wanted to find cancer patients, and I know where to find them.
THIS IS SO EXCITING! Sorry, I just had to say it! I'm so EXCITED!
Okay, so I went . . . PRAYING for courage. I first went to the BIC (Bone-marrow Infusion Center). I've spent many, many, MANY days in this area. This is where several nurses work and they check our labs and give us blood, monitor us between Doctor visits (sometimes everyday or three times a week), ETC. I brought a BIG box of chocolates (called MERCI; it's European chocolate that I get at the World Market; we used to get this wonderful chocolate in Holland) and a card thanking all the wonderful nurses for all their awesome care. I walked in and the nurse who "runs the place" recognized me (as did several others) and we chatted excitedly because I'm now in remission! She was expressing her shock that they were going to start giving me my vaccines (I have to get my childhood vaccines because I had the stem-cell transplant) because they only give vaccines to those who are cancer free, but she remembered that I had FOUR new tumors, including the one that was already there, so she couldn't believe that I was suddenly cancer free. It was so fun to see her smile with the halloween glitters on her eyelashes and her excitement, and she kept saying it was like a "miracle." Of course, I whipped out my "pamphlets" and handed them to a couple of the nurses. I told them I was on B17, and it wiped out all my tumors. They were very excited and curiously reading my pamphlets. Of course, they liked the chocolate too. I asked the head nurse if I could hand my pamphlets out to the patients. She hesitated and started to say no, but before she could, I smiled and said, "I'm just gonna do it without your permission." I went around to the patients and gave them my pamphlet. They could hear us talking so they knew what they were getting. YAY! Anyway, I told the nurses to share their chocolates and moved on.
I then headed to a waiting area that I've spent HOURS in, and just walked in and spoke to the patients and passed out my pamphlets. I basically told them I battled cancer for two years (btw, I wore my sweatshirt), and told them how I beat it. Every person I spoke to was interested. After handing out about five pamphlets without the secretaries getting onto me (whew) I walked out the door and saw a couple sitting outside. I asked them if they knew someone with cancer. The man in the cowboy hat nodded to the little lady next to him, and said, "Yes, my wife." I then handed them a pamphlet. They happened to be talking to another guy who was also interested in my pamphlet. That man moved on, but I continued talking with this couple (they were farmers), and we had a really good conversation. I explained to them everything I know about B17, who my doctor is there, etc, etc. The man shook my hand about three times and thanked me, and at one point, he even had tears in his eyes.

That's when I walked, what felt like a half-mile, to the inpatient cancer ward--I still had a spring in my step. I guess I was just remembering how it was to walk down that long hall when I could barely move. The place I'd spent weeks at a time, followed by months of treatments. As I waited for the elevator, a man looked at my sweatshirt and asked, "Is that laetrile?" I said, "Yes!" Our elevator left without us as we started talking. He'd heard about B17, etc. and he was wondering how it worked, what kind of cancer I had, etc. I told him everything, how according to Dr. Krebs it works on all cancers. Of course, he took a pamphlet, and had to leave for his appointment, but he was so glad to have the information. And I was GLAD TO GIVE IT! Yay!
When I landed on the eleventh floor (which in the past for me was the DREADED eleventh floor; at one point, my mom had asked if the twelfth floor was where folks were dying. Of course, they said, no, but I have to say, the time I nearly bled to death, I ended up on the twelve floor). Anyway, maybe that's just because there was no room anywhere else (which is likely the case). ANYWAY . . . I arrived on the inpatient cancer ward and greeted the nurses, who to my shock, remembered me! I told them I was cancer free, gave them a card with the box of chocolates, and of course, one of my pamphlets. I had to tell them how I did it. They were so excited for me, and it was neat because they said it was so nice to see a patient return who was doing so well. They said they don't normally hear back from patients, and they just assume since they don't see them anymore it means they're doing better. Anyway, it was wonderful to see them and share with them.
I then made my way down the short hall with doors on one side, concealing rooms I'd spent numerous times in, remembering the walks I would take, dragging my IV pole with me, careful as I crossed a bump, and low and behold, one of the doors was open. So, I went in. Gulp! A woman sat on a couch with her husband sitting in his chair next to the bed, eating. I handed the woman my pamphlet and told her my story. I think she was skeptical at first, but I just spoke honestly and openly with her, and she listened and thanked me for my pamphlet and for sharing my story. She also hoped I would stay healthy. (Truth is, I know I will where cancer is concerned; where other things are concerned, it's all in the Lords hands.) I then moved on down the hall and saw three people standing outside a door. I talked to them and gave the couple my pamphlet, and the third gentleman asked if he could have one too. OF COURSE he could! I continued down the hall, but didn't see anymore open doors, and I didn't want to disturb the one patient whose door was open, but the curtain was pulled and the light was out. So, I went back to a little waiting area that my hubby and I once spent several LONG HOURS in during a weekend when I came in desperate for help. I left several of my pamphlets on the tables in that room. As I headed back downstairs, I went to the elevator and a couple got in at the same time. Of course, they were leaving the cancer ward, so I knew they knew someone with cancer, but I could tell this couple was very sad. So, SO SAD. I could understand how they felt, so I offered them my pamphlet, of course, and told them my story, while others stood in the elevator listening. I simply can't NOT tell them what could save their loved one.
I am trying my best to make this short by cramming as much information in as possible. So please forgive the long sentences and crammed paragraphs.
I left the elevator and headed down the half-mile hallway back to the outpatient pavilion, and as I was walking by the pharmacy (where I'd been many times), I saw a woman wearing the same kind of sequined caps I used to wear. Of course, I asked the obvious question, if she was battling cancer, and she gave me the obvious reply, and I handed her my pamphlet. She seemed very happy to receive it, so that was good! That's when I planned to go to the radiology dept. I sat down to get my things in order and as I sat there, I saw a few people walk by who obviously had cancer so I hopped up to give them a pamphlet. They all took it with gratitude. Keep in mind, I give a brief summary of my story when I hand it to them.
When I had everything together, I went in to see my favorite man in the hospital, Bill. He brought so much joy to every visit when getting the dreaded radiation. It was amazing. I entered the waiting room and handed out my pamphlets while he helped a patient, and when he was finished, I gave him my small gift of appreciation, and I told him my news. He was overjoyed (we were both quite loud with our excitement) and everyone in that waiting room knew what was going on. Bill wanted a pamphlet, so of course, I gave him one. I then walked around the rest of the waiting room and handed out pamphlets to everyone (everyone heard I'd beaten cancer with B17). I kept telling them to do their research, do their research. It's how I learned the truth and beat cancer! As I walked out of the room, I shook my fist in the air and almost shouted, "Do your research folks!" As I left, another couple entered, and I handed them a pamphlet. :-)
You know, one thing I've noticed about EVERY ONE of these people is that they're grateful to hear my story, grateful to hear that there might be something else out there that works! Something better than the hellish, deadly chemo.
Finally, it was time to leave, and as I entered the main hall to exist the hospital, I saw a couple coming in with their ten or twelve year old daughter who wore a hat. I asked the father if they were battling cancer and he said yes. I gave him a pamphlet and told him my story. He was so glad to get this information! So glad! And I asked if they were heading over for radiation and the little girl nodded. "I thought so." They were heading in that direction. They would see everyone else had a pamphlet too. :-)
(Coming back the next day: I forgot to tell you all about the lady at the grocery store. I was wearing my sweatshirt, and as I was walking in with my daughter, a lady shopper standing at the customer service desk called to me and asked me about B17, what was it, etc. I told her it was a vitamin, shared my story, and handed her a pamphlet. She read it and folded it up and said she was going to make copies. I encouraged her to. I want everyone to know about this!)
I told everyone I wasn't selling this stuff, I just wanted to tell my story, and HELP them! I think they could see that, and I pray they try B17 because it will kill their cancers!
To those who are reading this post, if you were one of the folks I spoke to at the hospital, I'm so glad you're here, and I pray you find HEALING!

Okay, so I went . . . PRAYING for courage. I first went to the BIC (Bone-marrow Infusion Center). I've spent many, many, MANY days in this area. This is where several nurses work and they check our labs and give us blood, monitor us between Doctor visits (sometimes everyday or three times a week), ETC. I brought a BIG box of chocolates (called MERCI; it's European chocolate that I get at the World Market; we used to get this wonderful chocolate in Holland) and a card thanking all the wonderful nurses for all their awesome care. I walked in and the nurse who "runs the place" recognized me (as did several others) and we chatted excitedly because I'm now in remission! She was expressing her shock that they were going to start giving me my vaccines (I have to get my childhood vaccines because I had the stem-cell transplant) because they only give vaccines to those who are cancer free, but she remembered that I had FOUR new tumors, including the one that was already there, so she couldn't believe that I was suddenly cancer free. It was so fun to see her smile with the halloween glitters on her eyelashes and her excitement, and she kept saying it was like a "miracle." Of course, I whipped out my "pamphlets" and handed them to a couple of the nurses. I told them I was on B17, and it wiped out all my tumors. They were very excited and curiously reading my pamphlets. Of course, they liked the chocolate too. I asked the head nurse if I could hand my pamphlets out to the patients. She hesitated and started to say no, but before she could, I smiled and said, "I'm just gonna do it without your permission." I went around to the patients and gave them my pamphlet. They could hear us talking so they knew what they were getting. YAY! Anyway, I told the nurses to share their chocolates and moved on.
I then headed to a waiting area that I've spent HOURS in, and just walked in and spoke to the patients and passed out my pamphlets. I basically told them I battled cancer for two years (btw, I wore my sweatshirt), and told them how I beat it. Every person I spoke to was interested. After handing out about five pamphlets without the secretaries getting onto me (whew) I walked out the door and saw a couple sitting outside. I asked them if they knew someone with cancer. The man in the cowboy hat nodded to the little lady next to him, and said, "Yes, my wife." I then handed them a pamphlet. They happened to be talking to another guy who was also interested in my pamphlet. That man moved on, but I continued talking with this couple (they were farmers), and we had a really good conversation. I explained to them everything I know about B17, who my doctor is there, etc, etc. The man shook my hand about three times and thanked me, and at one point, he even had tears in his eyes.

That's when I walked, what felt like a half-mile, to the inpatient cancer ward--I still had a spring in my step. I guess I was just remembering how it was to walk down that long hall when I could barely move. The place I'd spent weeks at a time, followed by months of treatments. As I waited for the elevator, a man looked at my sweatshirt and asked, "Is that laetrile?" I said, "Yes!" Our elevator left without us as we started talking. He'd heard about B17, etc. and he was wondering how it worked, what kind of cancer I had, etc. I told him everything, how according to Dr. Krebs it works on all cancers. Of course, he took a pamphlet, and had to leave for his appointment, but he was so glad to have the information. And I was GLAD TO GIVE IT! Yay!
When I landed on the eleventh floor (which in the past for me was the DREADED eleventh floor; at one point, my mom had asked if the twelfth floor was where folks were dying. Of course, they said, no, but I have to say, the time I nearly bled to death, I ended up on the twelve floor). Anyway, maybe that's just because there was no room anywhere else (which is likely the case). ANYWAY . . . I arrived on the inpatient cancer ward and greeted the nurses, who to my shock, remembered me! I told them I was cancer free, gave them a card with the box of chocolates, and of course, one of my pamphlets. I had to tell them how I did it. They were so excited for me, and it was neat because they said it was so nice to see a patient return who was doing so well. They said they don't normally hear back from patients, and they just assume since they don't see them anymore it means they're doing better. Anyway, it was wonderful to see them and share with them.
I then made my way down the short hall with doors on one side, concealing rooms I'd spent numerous times in, remembering the walks I would take, dragging my IV pole with me, careful as I crossed a bump, and low and behold, one of the doors was open. So, I went in. Gulp! A woman sat on a couch with her husband sitting in his chair next to the bed, eating. I handed the woman my pamphlet and told her my story. I think she was skeptical at first, but I just spoke honestly and openly with her, and she listened and thanked me for my pamphlet and for sharing my story. She also hoped I would stay healthy. (Truth is, I know I will where cancer is concerned; where other things are concerned, it's all in the Lords hands.) I then moved on down the hall and saw three people standing outside a door. I talked to them and gave the couple my pamphlet, and the third gentleman asked if he could have one too. OF COURSE he could! I continued down the hall, but didn't see anymore open doors, and I didn't want to disturb the one patient whose door was open, but the curtain was pulled and the light was out. So, I went back to a little waiting area that my hubby and I once spent several LONG HOURS in during a weekend when I came in desperate for help. I left several of my pamphlets on the tables in that room. As I headed back downstairs, I went to the elevator and a couple got in at the same time. Of course, they were leaving the cancer ward, so I knew they knew someone with cancer, but I could tell this couple was very sad. So, SO SAD. I could understand how they felt, so I offered them my pamphlet, of course, and told them my story, while others stood in the elevator listening. I simply can't NOT tell them what could save their loved one.
I am trying my best to make this short by cramming as much information in as possible. So please forgive the long sentences and crammed paragraphs.
I left the elevator and headed down the half-mile hallway back to the outpatient pavilion, and as I was walking by the pharmacy (where I'd been many times), I saw a woman wearing the same kind of sequined caps I used to wear. Of course, I asked the obvious question, if she was battling cancer, and she gave me the obvious reply, and I handed her my pamphlet. She seemed very happy to receive it, so that was good! That's when I planned to go to the radiology dept. I sat down to get my things in order and as I sat there, I saw a few people walk by who obviously had cancer so I hopped up to give them a pamphlet. They all took it with gratitude. Keep in mind, I give a brief summary of my story when I hand it to them.
When I had everything together, I went in to see my favorite man in the hospital, Bill. He brought so much joy to every visit when getting the dreaded radiation. It was amazing. I entered the waiting room and handed out my pamphlets while he helped a patient, and when he was finished, I gave him my small gift of appreciation, and I told him my news. He was overjoyed (we were both quite loud with our excitement) and everyone in that waiting room knew what was going on. Bill wanted a pamphlet, so of course, I gave him one. I then walked around the rest of the waiting room and handed out pamphlets to everyone (everyone heard I'd beaten cancer with B17). I kept telling them to do their research, do their research. It's how I learned the truth and beat cancer! As I walked out of the room, I shook my fist in the air and almost shouted, "Do your research folks!" As I left, another couple entered, and I handed them a pamphlet. :-)
You know, one thing I've noticed about EVERY ONE of these people is that they're grateful to hear my story, grateful to hear that there might be something else out there that works! Something better than the hellish, deadly chemo.
Finally, it was time to leave, and as I entered the main hall to exist the hospital, I saw a couple coming in with their ten or twelve year old daughter who wore a hat. I asked the father if they were battling cancer and he said yes. I gave him a pamphlet and told him my story. He was so glad to get this information! So glad! And I asked if they were heading over for radiation and the little girl nodded. "I thought so." They were heading in that direction. They would see everyone else had a pamphlet too. :-)
(Coming back the next day: I forgot to tell you all about the lady at the grocery store. I was wearing my sweatshirt, and as I was walking in with my daughter, a lady shopper standing at the customer service desk called to me and asked me about B17, what was it, etc. I told her it was a vitamin, shared my story, and handed her a pamphlet. She read it and folded it up and said she was going to make copies. I encouraged her to. I want everyone to know about this!)
I told everyone I wasn't selling this stuff, I just wanted to tell my story, and HELP them! I think they could see that, and I pray they try B17 because it will kill their cancers!
To those who are reading this post, if you were one of the folks I spoke to at the hospital, I'm so glad you're here, and I pray you find HEALING!
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