Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are you suffering from "Networking Fatigue?"

We were discussing "networking" on one of my writing loops, and someone mentioned that folks are bombarded by emails, spam, ads (whatever you wish to call it) to the point that this sort of marketing is causing "networking fatigue" for readers. Others suggested that writers need to find other creative outlets in order to capture readers' interest.

Hmm. How can I become more "creative" in marketing my book? Hmm? *thinking, thinking, thinking*

How about taking a look at it from the networker's perspective? Not only are the receivers overwhelmed with looking at the same things all the time and becoming desensitized, maybe the networkers are exhausted and not getting any cotton pickin' writing done?

Ding! Ding! Ding! "Yes! That's me! That's me, folks!"

I'm exhausted trying to run two blogs, twitter, Facebook, a gazillion writing loops, etc. It's also very addicting to where I find myself spending so much time checking emails and "networking" (it's hard not to like these people and develop relationships) that I've lost my focus on craft and "why" and for "Whom" I'm writing.

Yes, I know I need to develop a "tribe" so when I do get that book published I can market it to all these folks. But whatever happened to the most valuable marketing plan? You know. The one between the pages?

As for me, I can build this great platform, but if my book is just average or even stinks, readers aren't going to read it anyway. So, what's the point? And if you're one of those folks who can do both, more power to you.

How can I be more "creative" about how I'm going to market my book? I've decided here and now: become a GREAT storyteller.Yes, if you haven't noticed, I'm suffering from networking fatigue.

Can anyone else relate, or am I all alone?


  1. I'm not quite yet published, but waiting for edits. It's my editing job that overwhelms me right now.

  2. Thanx so much for stating your case here, Sandi. You are NOT alone! I've avoided getting caught up in the networking web for the very reasons you list. My web site and Facebook, plus two writing loops, seem to be all I can handle, even when I'm not actively writing anything. Do I suffer from not having a "tribe," or a separate "fan page" on Facebook? I don't know, but I feel I'd be exchanging one type of suffering for another by spending an enormous amount of time on them. I knew from the beginning that to do a blog right you have to do it often, and I didn't want to commit to that. My Amazon Author Page is my only blog. I have a novella being released in June, so I may end up regretting what I'm saying now next spring when all the promos begin. But what you said about readers getting networking fatigue--wow, the last thing I want is to make readers feel about me the way I feel about getting spammed.
    So thanx again for validating my closet sentiments.

  3. Well said, Sandi and Erin! And no, Sandi. Thou art not alone. I think the reason I'm putting as much effort as I am into making a book trailer right now is, it can bloody well run by itself. Put it on youtube with appropriate tags, send out the url and return to what I want to do. I'm so worn out from marketing, reading to find agents, reading for research and editing that I haven't written anything new for months (except for nonfiction, i.e. book reviews which are MARKETING).

  4. For me, the post-conference physical (and mental) fatigue morphed into a parade of sick family members followed by a stressful situation with my husband's job. Am I overwhelmed? You bet.

    First priority has been recharging the spiritual and physical batteries. Filling up the tank so I have something to pour into my writing.

    An outgrowth of this time is rediscovering WHY I'm writing. And giving myself permission to focus on one thing at a time. I don't have to do the writing/publishing/marketing/networking game the same way or at the same pace as everyone else. (Whew!)

  5. Diane, I can so relate! I'm also an editor, and I recently cut back on clients so I can work on my next novel. Publishers are looking at the first, so I figured, I better get on the ball. But now they're telling me I need a "tribe." Ugh.

    Erin, this whole marketing issue has been getting to me lately. Everytime I read Chip MacGregor's blog or Mike Hyatt's and they're talking about getting out there and marketing our books, I want to weep! Don't they want us writers to WRITE?

    Victoria, it's good to know I'm not alone. Good luck with your trailer. I'd love to see it when it's done. Let me know.

    Candee, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Discovering "why" you're writing is key, I think. I found with all this marketing and networking, I lost that along the way.

  6. I'm in the same boat, Sandi. But here's the irony: what's the good in marketing before your published when there's nothing to really market?

    I had all those network sites, but then it got to be too much to keep up, or even bother with them. Now I'm down to Facebook, my blog/website, and occassionaly I'll get on Twitter, but I'm thinking of dropping that too. It does take away from the writing and learning we have to do on our books.

    Publishers might want a platform so they can decide if you're sellable, but I think it should be the book that sells, not the scads of network sites you're on. I've got enough on my plate home-wise. The internet is too much of a temptation and a mood killer for the writing.

  7. Winter, it was so cool meeting you at conference! Sorry we never had a chance to chat. It was so busy! Anyway, after all these years, it was just the neatest thing to meet one of my old ivillage buddies in person. :-)

    Thanks for your comments. And I couldn't agree more!
