Some say, "Don't try this at home." I say, "YES, TRY THIS AT HOME!" and save yourself THOUSANDS of dollars!
CANCER CAN BE DETECTED IN THE URINE. A simple urine test can tell you if you have cancer or not. Forget these expensive biopsy's and test it for yourself. Find someone you know (preferably a male) who has cancer, and have him take a pregnancy test, and see what happens (all he has to do is pee on a stick, not too difficult for a guy). If you're willing to do this and the test shows even the faintest hint of an extra line (indicating that it's positive), then it can't be wrong. A pregnancy test can only be wrong if it's negative, but IN THE MAJORITY OF CASES it CAN'T BE WRONG if it's positive. I knew this long before cancer (I've got four kids, so I've at least taken four of these tests; truth is, I've taken more, but that's another subject). They're extremely accurate because there's a certain hormone (HCG) in pregnant women that ONLY APPEARS IF ONE IS PREGNANT. So, if the test is positive, it's likely true. However, if it's negative, it could be correct, or it could be incorrect, depending on how much of the hormone (HCG) is in the body. Well, it just so happens, THE SAME HORMONE that's found in pregnant women, IS FOUND IN CANCER CELLS.
The above picture is the result of a pregnancy test a MAN took. It's difficult to see the second line above the clear pink line, but if you look closely (or find someone with better eye-sight), you can see a line indicating that this man has the pregnancy hormone (HCG). A male acquaintance who has cancer (he just completed a heavy dose of chemo; so he's going to try again later and see if he can get a clearer result) was willing to take this HCG (pregnancy) test for me, and it came out positive. SO, either HE'S PREGNANT, or he HAS CANCER!
As you can see, my latest HCG results were negative (see the picture above). Can you see the difference between my test and the man's test above mine? Notice there's not even a hint of a line on my test. Either I'm not pregnant, which I'm not, and/or I no longer have cancer! I'll find out for sure on October 11th, which is when I'm scheduled to get my next PET scan.
"...Trophoblast cells produce a distinct hormone that readily can be detected in the urine. This is known as the chorionic gonadotrophic hormone (CGH or HCG). If cancer is trophoblast, then one would expect that cancer cells also would secrete this hormone. And, indeed they do. It is also true that no other cell is known to produce HCG. This means that, if HCG is detected in the urine, it indicates that there is present either normal pregnancy trophoblast or abnormal malignant cancer. If the patient is a woman, she either is pregnant or has cancer. If he is a man, cancer can be the only cause.
The significance of this fact is far-reaching. A simple urine test similar to the well-known rabbit test for pregnancy can detect the presence of cancer long before it manifests itself as illness or a lump, and it throws serious doubt upon the rationale behind surgical biopsies. Many physicians are convinced that any cutting into a malignant tumor, even for a biopsy, increases the likelihood that the tumor will spread. (More on that in a later chapter.) In any event, there is questionable need for such procedures in view of the fact that the HCG urine test is available. In the 1960's and '70s, Dr. Manuel Navarro, Professor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Santo Tomas in Manilla, offered this test to American physicians and reported 95% accuracy with both cancer and non-cancer patients. Almost all of the so-called errors were in showing cancer activity with patients who presumably did not have cancer. But in a large percentage of these, those same patients later developed clinical manifstations of cancer, suggesting that the HCG test was accurate after all. Doctors who have had experience with this test have learned never to assume it is in error when it indicates the presence of trophoblast."
So . . . there you have it.
Keep those wonderful prayers coming. God is revealing amazing information. And please pray for Larry, this wonderful man who was willing to pee on a stick for a complete stranger. He's going to start taking B17, along with Pancreatic Enzymes and Zinc citrate. If he quits chemo, I believe he'll be around a lot longer than the time the doctors will give him.