The following are testimonies taken from M.D.
John A. Richardson’s book “Laetrile Case Histories: The Richardson Cancer
Clinic Experience.” You can buy it on Amazon if you want it. You can also get
an entire package for less from
Dr. Richardson’s clinic, who treated these
patients with Laetrile, was shut down by the FDA.
Man : patient "M136TB"
Age when cancer was detected : 17
Year of diagnose : 1975
Statistical life expectancy : less than a year
Life extension : alive and well after 30 years in
After having undergone chemotherapy for five
months, without success - since another spot showed up - the parents decided to
decide into laetrile as an alternative. The patient describes his reaction to
the course of the therapy in these words : "I was treated like I was just
as normal as anyone walking on this earth - what I mean is, they didn't treat
me like I was deathly sick, but they treated me like I was going to get well.
Name : John Peterson
Age when cancer was detected : 61
Year of diagnose : 1973
Statistical life expectancy : a year
Life extension : 13 years, died at age 74 in 1986
The patient related in a letter what the next few
weeks after diagnose were like for him : "I was in constant, unrelenting
pain, my body jerked in spasms, there was some rectal bleeding, and I became so
weak I could hardly rise from a chair and walk. At this time, I learned from
friends where I could get Laetrile treatment. My wife drove the car, the one
and one-half-hour drive to the San Francisco Bay area where I received my first
injection of Laetrile, October 25, 1973. I was too weak to drive, in fact I
passed out in the car both going and returning from these first daily
treatments. Improvement was apparent within the days and in about thirty days I
was driving the car myself. I was again looking forward to each new sunrise
with anticipation of some pleasure in being alive."
Woman : patient "M110MX"
Age when cancer was detected : 50
Year of diagnose : 1974
Life extension : 19 years; died at age 70 in 1993
Laetrile treatment prevented the removal of the
left breast, as suggested by her original physician.
Woman : patient "H132I"
Age when cancer was detected : 59
Year of diagnose : 1973
Life extension : 27 years; died at age 86 in 2000
Name : Lorraine Ford
Age when cancer was detected : 60
Year of diagnose : 1974
Statistical life expectancy : 6 months
Life extension : 5 years; died at age 65 in 1979
Tried first chemotherapy, to no avail.
Name : Lorette Lau
Age when cancer was detected : 61
Year of diagnose : 1975
Statistical life expectancy : a year
Life extension : 22 years; died at age 83 in 1997
Woman : patient "A156JC"
Year of diagnose : 1973
Metabolic treatment started : 1974
Life extension : alive and well after 31 years in
The patient first drank an "atomic
cocktail", which produced a slow recovery, but after six months her health
went downhill : "I lost about thirty pounds. I had dark yellow skin and
dark around my eyes. I was constantly tired. I slept a great deal and felt
sleepy the rest of the time. It was around this time I first heard of Laetrile.
I felt the treatments I had been receiving were ineffective, and so I chose to
come to the Richardson Clinic. Dr. Richardson did not make any promises to me,
but within ten days of beginning nutritional therapy and Laetrile, I noticed
considerable improvement. My eyes and skin returned to their normal color. I
stopped losing weight, the terrible tired feeling left, as did the pain...
Friends and relatives who have watched my progress are amazed at how well I
look... We've had a number of cases of cancer in my family on both sides. I am
the only one who has taken Laetrile and I am the only one who has survived.
Name : Thelma Mosca
Age when cancer was detected : 55
Year of diagnose : 1975
Statistical life expectancy : 3 months
Life extension : alive 2 years later; not
traceable in 2005
After discovery of cancer in the Kaiser Hospital
in Oakland, California, a surgery was planned. Mrs. Mosca decided to cancel it,
since her mother died after surgery and radiation, and told her she would never
do it again. After watching the Tom Snyder TV show she learned to know about
Laetrile, and contacted the Richardson Clinic. Only fourteen days after
starting metabolic therapy, pathology report from a Pap smear revealed :
"Class 1 negative. No atypical cells present [cancer no longer
In a letter to the Richardson clinic, Mrs. Mosca
wrote : "When my doctor [the one who recommended surgery] asked me if I
knew how painful death from cancer would be, I said yes I knew. My mother had
breast cancer. She was butchered and burned and died a slow and painful death.
We had to keep her arm in ice packs twenty-four hours a day because of cobalt
burns. My mother was not helped or saved. That is precisely why I rejected
surgery and radiation. "
Naam : Ben Reynolds
Age when cancer was detected : 63
Year of diagnose : 1973
Life extension : 6 years; died at age 69 in 1979
Mr. Reynolds started with chemotherapy but switched
rapidly to. This is why he chose Laetrile : "I took chemotherapy for three
days only. I had started metabolic therapy on July 23 and 24 [1973] and then
submitted [for the last time] to the chemotherapy on July 27, 1973. Mixed up ?
Yes. But, then what does one do for cancer treatment when one knows nothing to
start with ? It took only a few minutes reading the Physician's Desk Reference
on the third day I was on chemotherapy to know what I wanted to do and what I
did not want to do. This is what the book had to say about my drugs :
"Ovocen (Vincristine): Mode of action is unknown but under
investigation... Extreme care must be used in calculating the dose...
Overdosing may have a serious or fatal outcome." Cytoxan : "Its
mechanism of action is not known". Nor did I want Prednisone, about which
I read more of the same. I was not ready to die, not from cancer and certainly
not from the poisons they were going to give me, so I wouldn't die from cancer.
Name : Shane Horton
Age when cancer was detected : 6
Year of diagnose : 1973
Life expectancy : 6 to 9 months
Life extension : alive and well after 32 years in
This little boy was six years old when his
symptoms began. He was so weak he couldn't stand on his own legs and had to see
Disneyland from a wheelchair... Osteosarcoma of the right humerus [right upper
arm bone] and the third lumbar vertebra (spine) was discovered, when the kid
couldn't lift his right arm. The hospital summary of the Mercy Hospital,
Sacramento, California, in November 9, 1973, stated : "It would appear
that this unfortunate child has already distant metastases from his primary
tumor. In all likelihood he will develop evidence of metastases elsewhere in
the very near future... pulmonary metastases are so common with metastatic
osteogenic sarcoma. Unfortunately the patient is not a candidate for curative
therapy and the primary question is how best to palliate this child to maintain
him in a functional pain-free state for as long as possible. "
Instead of palliative treatment the parents of
Shane chose Laetrile.