Please welcome Golden Keyes Parsons, a talented author of Inspirational Fiction. Don't you just love her name? I had the honor of meeting Golden at the ACFW conference in September, and I have to say, she's as beautiful as her name--not only in person, but also in spirit.
Her recent historical novel, A Prisoner of Versaille, was released in August. If you want to get your hands on it, just leave a comment with your email address, and you'll be entered into a drawing to receive a free, signed copy of her book!
Golden, it's an honor to have you with us today. So, how long have you been writing? How did you get your start?
I grew up in a newspaper family. My grandfather, my dad and all his brothers were newspaper owners, editors and published authors. There were essays, manuscripts, newspapers, books and magazines stacked all over our house. I was writing feature articles for our little hometown newspaper at nine years of age. I won several essay contests in school, and had some small articles published along the way. However, when I started speaking professionally in 1996, I was told that I needed to seek publication in earnest.
What made you decide to write fiction?
I loved reading fiction as a child. My mother taught me to read a little Donald Duck book when I was four years old, and I was hooked. I spent hours at the public library and participated in every reading program they offered. I fell asleep every night reading -- still do :) I devoured the typical books that young girls loved -- Black Beauty, all the Nancy Drew mysteries, the Clara Barton novels -- but I also read such things as 1984 by George Orwell, Dr. Zhivago and Gone With The Wind. However, as I grew into adulthood I began to read almost exclusively non-fiction. My spiritual gift is teaching, so it followed that my first efforts at writing professionally were non-fiction articles, Bible studies, Christian living books. I had several articles published in good magazines ... Marriage Partnership, Angels On Earth, HomeLife ... and got close to publication on a couple of my books. But never a contract.
A few years ago, I inherited a published genealogy of my mother's side of the family and read about my French Huguenot ancestors, of whom I had not been aware previously -- and wanted to tell the story in my favorite genre, historical fiction. I took a few chapters to my critique group, and they were blown away. The consensus was 100% that this was where I needed to be. So, I began to pursue publication in the fiction genre.
By the way, in my opinion, writing fiction is much more difficult than writing non-fiction.
How did things change once you became a published author? Did you lose friends? Make friends? How did it affect your family?
As a published author, there is a certain amount of respect that comes from people like bookstore owners, educators, and fellow authors that was not there before.
I also became much more observant of words, phrases and story. I am constantly writing things down that strike my fancy, especially from movies.
Did I lose friends? No, not that I know of. However, I quickly became aware of the fact that no one understands a writer, except another writer. If a writer tries to explain POV, for example, to a non-writer, you can almost see their eyes glaze over. There's just no way to be able to communicate what it's like to be a writer, driven by conveying ideas and stories through words, except to another author. Only another writer knows what it is like to struggle to find the correct word; or to wake up at night with one's characters living out the story in one's head; or to sit in front of a computer for hours on end and not realize that the whole morning has passed by.
Did I make friends? Absolutely. The networking at such conferences as ACFW and the CLASS Christian Writing Conference and the Christian Writers Guild is invaluable. I've made many, many friends since becoming a published author.
How did it affect my family? Well, our children were grown and gone by the time I started writing professionally -- and my husband is my biggest supporter -- so as far as our daily lives, it just meant that when the door is closed to my office, don't bother me! My hat is off to those who write with small children at home. I don't know how they do it.
Where do you spend your time writing? Do you have a favorite place? A favorite time of day?
I have two places that I write. I have an office where I work if I need to print out copies, because that's where the printer is set up. But much of the time I take my laptop into the den and write from my recliner.
My favorite time of day to write hands down is early in the morning. I get up anywhere from 5 am to 6:30, spend anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour reading my Bible and praying, then write usually until 10:30 or 11, with a break to eat a little breakfast and get dressed. Then I go work out around 11, come home, eat lunch and work on marketing and emails in the afternoon.
How did you come up with the story for A Prisoner of Versailles?
My original intention was for the Clavells to travel to the New World in Book Two, but because Louis XIV was such a colorful character, my editor asked me to stay in Europe and include him again in the second book. So I had to think of some way to do that. When in my research I read that Louis actually sent spies into Switzerland to bring the Huguenots back into France, I had my hook.
What are you working on now?
I'm working on the edits for Book Three.
What do you see in your future as an author? Do you have concrete ideas for more books you'd like to write on down the line, or do you plan out a book only after you've decided to write one?
I would like to continue to write historicals. I have an interest in writing about women in various religious sects, but that is only in the idea stage.
Golden, it was such a pleasure to have you join us today. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing a little about yourself.
If you'd like to get to know more about Golden, you can find her at her website. It's there you'll discover some amazing facets about Golden and her ministry.
For those that would like to receive a signed copy of Golden's book, A Prisoner of Versailles, be sure to leave a comment and your email address. I'll announce the winner on Friday.
Good luck to those that enter!
Wow. Thanks for the glimpse into another writer's daily life. This book sounds so intriguing that I'm adding it to my list. But, I'd love an autographed copy if I can get the chance! ;)
I wondered if Golden was here real name. It sounds like a nom de plume for someone who writes about French royalty! I haven't had the pleasure of reading any of her books yet, but I am very much drawn to learning more about the French Huguenots myself. This sounds like a wonderful book.
ReplyDeleteCathi H.
chassan2 at hotmail dot com
I haven't read a book by Golden Keyes, but this sounds like a great read. Will be intersting to read about France. Please enter me. Thank you.
ReplyDeletedesertrose5173 at gmail dot com
I also noticed Golden at the ACFW conference, and thought she was pretty and very engaging. I loved her name, since my mother is a Parsons and we are probably related distantly. (:D) Thanks for the article, Sandi. I would love a signed copy of Golden's book as well. It sounds intriguing.
ReplyDeleteGolden sounds like a wonderful lady, and I would love to win her book! Thanks for the offer!
ReplyDeleteandrealschultz at gmail dot com
Thanks, gals, for weighing in here and for your interest in reading my books. People nearly always ask about my name. Being as my father was in the newspaper business, my birth announcements stated, "Announcing the first publication of Chester and Lois Keyes, a daughter ... " So I guess publishing was in my blood from the very beginning! :)
ReplyDeleteI neglected to send my email. Here it is:
ReplyDeletetamarawrites[at]hotmail[dot]com. Again, thanks for this wonderful interview.
This is the book I really want for Christmas! Loved the interview! I am excited to see you are working on edits for the third book already!
ReplyDeleteI would love to write books, but I am too afraid of not being able to!! = )
On your next idea, you should research some of the Anabaptist stories. Not Regina by Christmas Carol Kauffman, Fire in the Zurich Hills, The Martyr's Mirror etc are great books to start with to give you an idea, but also the Waldensians are also very interesting. Worth Dying for was a favorite of mine growing up!
I enjoyed reading Golden's interview and would love to read her and I love finding new Christian authors to read. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you!
Great interview! Golden is right; no one understands a writer like another writer. Thank you, Golden and Sandi!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the interview!
Golden's first book was excellent and I would love to read A Prisoner of Versailles. Thank you for an interesting interview and chance to win a copy.
ReplyDeletecjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Thank you for the interview and for the chance to win a copy of this book.
I have read some historical books lately and have enjoyed them way more than I thought I would. I wouldn't mind reading more. Please sign me up.
ReplyDeleteDeborah M.
Loving all the comments. And thanks for the tip about the Waldensians and the Anabaptists.
ReplyDeleteHi, Sandi! Small world, isn't it? Great interview!
ReplyDeleteDonna (donna(dot)shepherd(at)gmail(dot)com)
I had the priviledge of meeting Golden at the Class Christian Writer's Conference last November. She is truly an incredible lady and I pray all God's richest blessings on her and her family. Great interview, Golden!
No fair, Mom, I want to win the book!
ReplyDeleteGolden is so great, I love her!
But really, she's so nice and conversational, and I was so blessed to meet her and the Writers Conference!
Great interview, Sandi!
ReplyDeleteGolden, I love to hear that you didn't start writing professionally until your kids were grown! That is so encouraging to me, because most the time, I'm so busy with work and my kids that I feel so frustrated & disappointed that I'm not writing more or accomplishing more with my writing right NOW. But hearing stories like yours reminds me that it's never too late! Thank you for sharing with us!